from Batavia Bicycle Commission Link to FB
Be Seen! :: When you are riding in the presence of motorists, it is crucial that you know the motorist sees you. Whenever possible, make eye contact with the driver and be aware of the driver’s blind spots. Even if you have the right of way, don’t assume it is safe to proceed. Researchers have identified a troubling phenomenon called “looked-but-failed-to-see” (LBFTS) crashes where a driver reports never seeing the cyclist even when they have looked right at them1. Due to the speed at which a vehicle travels, the driver needs to process all of the visual data in a very short amount of time. Researchers suggest that drivers don’t see cyclists because their brain has been conditioned to only look for other motorists. The incidence of LBFTS crashes has been found to increase with driver experience (1). The more we drive the more our brain learns to focus on the most dangerous aspects of driving (cars) filtering out other “less important” information (e.g. cyclists and pedestrians). On the positive side, researchers have shown that motorists who also cycle are more likely to see and react to cyclists on the road (2). So the more time you spend on your bike, the more likely you will notice other cyclists when you are the motorist. The more we all see and recognize cyclists on the road, the safer everyone can travel. Ride Illinois is offering yard signs to help spread this message. If you are interested in a sign for your yard, visit their Start Seeing Bicycles page for more information. (1) Herslund, M. B., & Jørgensen, N. O. (2003). Looked-but-failed-to-see-errors in traffic. Accident Analysis & Prevention, 35(6), 885-891. (2) Robbins, C. J., & Chapman, P. (2018). Drivers’ visual search behavior toward vulnerable road users at junctions as a function of cycling experience. Human factors, 60(7), 889-901. #BikeBatavia, #BikeSafety, #ShareTheRoad
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